Making a booking for Porta Materna

We hope that you will decide to enjoy a holiday at Port Materna.

You can check availability, check the cost and make a provisional booking on this web page

Children at Tavernelle Pool To see if Porta Materna is free for the days in which you are interested this popup availability window will show free and busy times. Alternatively this availability link will display a web page in a new window with the same information.

For a quick check on prices this will give a popup a window. Alternatively the Rental Terms link will open a new web page with more information on cost and what they include.

If you use the Booking Enquiry form below we aim to respond to you within 24 hours to confirm your request, which will then be held for you for 7 days in order for you to confirm your booking and make your deposit payment by cheque or by paypal.

You need flash for the form to work available from Adobe